Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon)

Bermuda Grass flower

Bermuda Grass flower

Because of it’s resistance to heat and drought, Bermuda grass is well suited for Arizona and the desert southwest.  Common Bermuda is propagated by seed and produces significant amounts of pollen. It is used extensively in school sports fields, parks, golf courses, and green belts.  Hybrid Bermuda grasses such as Tif and Midiron, are the result of mating common Bermuda grass with African Bermuda grass resulting  in a plant with a finer leaf texture and which does not produce pollen or seed.    These hybrid varieties are used in many home lawns and smaller fields.     In 1994, Phoenix passed the Airborne Pollen Ordinance which requires that Bermuda grass lawns be kept short to prevent pollen-producing seed heads (see picture)  from forming.  It pollenates May through October