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“Didn’t We Do This Last Year?”

I am reposting an article that I wrote (almost to the day) a year ago.  At that time we were experiencing an unusually early “spring” allergy season starting in late January.  Well, here we go again. The Ash trees began pollinating two to three weeks earlier than usual again this year and, by the looks […]

Arizona Air Quality: Ozone and Outdoor Exercise

I am discussing air quality in Arizona, particularly as it affects patients with allergies and asthma. Previously, one of the most important pollutants, Ozone was discussed and in this post I will continue with some of the special problems associated with ozone exposure and outdoor exercise. For a number of reasons, athletes are particularly vulnerable […]

Arizona Air: The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Phoenix is a wonderful place to live if you enjoy spending time out of doors.  However, there is a catch. The conditions that make for our predictable-practically-perfect weather (at least in the winter and spring) has also led to some serious air quality issues. Every year the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality releases a number […]

Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction: Diagnosis

On the surface, making a diagnosis of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) should not to be too hard. After all, having an asthma attack while exercising would make the diagnosis fairly apparent.  However, as I mentioned earlier, self reported symptoms associated with exercise such as shortness of breath and chest tightness can be associated with a number […]

Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction: What, When, and Where

Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction or bronchospasm (EIB) is defined as acute airway narrowing occurring as a result of exercise.  In the previous post I discussed that exercise, particularly vigorous, aerobic exercise, frequently triggers symptoms in patients who have a diagnosis of asthma but can also cause asthma symptoms, wheezing, shortness of breath, cough, and chest tightness, in […]