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Johnson Grass

Johnson Grass is found in washes, along road sides and other areas where there is enough water.  Although it is an allergenic grass,  pollen counts in the Phoenix area tend to be low because of it’s sparse distribution.   It pollenates May through October.

Early Introduction to Egg is Best

Parents worried about childhood food allergies, and who delay the introduction of troublesome foods, could be unwittingly raising their child’s risk. A Melbourne-based study has found infants who were not introduced to eggs until after their first birthday were up to five times more likely to go on to develop an egg allergy. This was […]

What Are Hives?

Hives is the common term for urticaria, a unique type of skin rash characterized by itchy, raised, welts, which may be few and isolated or large and numerous, covering large areas of the body.   Welts frequently form at sites of scratching or pressure such as around the waist or bra strap. Individual welts last only […]

September Asthma Epidemic

With the new school year up-and-running, parents of children with asthma will be bracing for the yearly “asthma epidemic”. Around the country, asthma attacks spike in late summer and early fall when children return to school from summer vacation.  This annual asthma flare-up accounts for a significant increase in emergency room visits, hospital admissions, and […]

Is Arizona Honey Good for Arizona Allergies?

Many people believe that eating local honey will help with their seasonal allergy symptoms.  This belief is based on a half truth and one major misunderstanding.   The principle of desensitization, that exposure to small amounts of the thing you are allergic to will make you less sensitive over time is sound.   In fact, this […]

Ozone Health Watch – July 26, 2010

Today the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality issued the following warning: FORECAST: Ozone levels will be in the MODERATE to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups range this week. PM-10 (coarse Particulate Matter) and PM-2.5 will be in the MODERATE range. An OZONE HEATH WATCH has been issued for Monday, July 26, 2010 An Ozone “Health Watch” […]

Excessive folate levels and early allergen avoidance during pregnancy may make a difference in your baby’s risk of developing allergic diseases.

It has long been known that the choices you make during pregnancy can have a lasting impact, but new research shows folate levels and food allergen intake during pregnancy could influence whether your child will develop food allergies or asthma. Folate Levels An adequate folate level is recommended for women during pregnancy because it is […]